Please find attached the design brief for your site. It is a handfull of questions that we need to ask before starting any design work. There are boxes provided for you to type your answers.
This document is really helpful to us (designer / client) as it acts as a point of reference for us to focus on and gives us background, history and direction. It is during this stage
that you must convey to us all of your ideas and preferences for your website.
- Also attached is an excel spreadsheet, the spreadsheet has one 'sheet' for each of the types of pages on your website.
- The aim of this spreadsheet is to outline the blocks of content that will appear on your website.
- At this stage we shouldnt be concerned with design, content or functionality (eg colours, wording etc), only with the position of the items on the page.
- An example is provided in the spreadsheet for an imaginary homepage. It is from this brief that we will build your wireframes and design.
Please send your completed brief to ||, if you have any questions about the brief, please contact ||